[m]I've been travelling, travelling forever
She snarled and charged, but he met her drive with stiff legs and a steady stance. Her flashing fangs were met by his own. He didn't want to physically hurt her, but neither was he going to stand by and let her hurt him. Her emotion filled gaze was met with his own, his eyes full of anger and hurt, mistrust and longing, fury and the same silent worship he had always looked at her with. "I chose the pack that circled around us in our time of sorrow, the pack that comforted me when you left with Cody and Lena, the pack that helped raise Myrddin when his mother abandoned him. I chose the pack that is as loyal to me as I am to it. If you'd stayed loyal to me, then you would have been worthy of that same loyalty. Instead, you left me. You didn't tell me to my face, you left behind your son to tell me. You left him behind to wonder why his mother didn't love him as much as she did the other two. If it had been just me your abandonment hurt, I might have followed you here. But I'm not doing that to my son. I'm not making him choose between his father and the pack he loves. He doesn't belong here, he belongs in D'Arte where his skills are useful. He makes soaps and candles with herbs, he helps me make the paper, he helps me make salves and ointments. He is brilliant and artistic. His skills would be wasted here, and he would be miserable here knowing that you took his siblings and abandoned him. that you loved them more than him or me, and that's why you left."

Her statement about Liam hurt more than anything else. "And D'Arte is the only place Liam can strike, right? Is that why he nearly killed my sister, when she wasn't even near D'Arte? Is that why he nearly killed me when I went out looking for you? I was halfway to New Dawn to find YOU when he attacked me. He broke my ribs. He branded me like cattle. All because I was foolish enough to come looking for you, to beg you to come back and make my life complete." He didn't think about it, but the butterfly shaped scar was probably visible to her while he was in the lupine form. He didn't actually care. He wanted her to think about what she had done to him, and to Myrddin, instead of being so self-centered.

His voice was quieter, but no less angry, no less hurt. "If you'd really wanted to explain anything to me, you wouldn't have acted how you did towards Skye, towards the pack that my son and I call home. You forced me to choose, and I chose to remain loyal to the ones who had been loyal to me. You have no right to fault me for that." Still, something needed to be said. Something that had ate at him since their fight in December.

A cold bitterness was in his voice now, a deep hurt that went to the bone. His voice was soft now as he voiced the last and deepest hurt. "I suppose Sanja didn't appreciate your disappearing act either. My brother said no one by that name is in the pack." How things would have been different if he'd known that Sanja wasn't a physical male, but a voice in her head.

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