[M] Panic!

Word Count → 885 :: I seriously need some tables for this guy. Sorry for the wait, I hope this post lives up to the expectations!

The days had passed dull and dark and damp, each one blending into the next as heavy clouds loomed over head. The dog-woman had proven herself and elusive criminal, and the Callow knight hadn't seen hide nor hair of her since this mad quest began. From what he'd gathered she was a trader, and traveled often. Not that that information had been of any use, and nor would it. It had been made quite clear to him that his help was neither wanted or needed. The scarred male was brusque to say the least; savage. Did he not understand that Alister was helping them? He felt a pang of regret, for now the golden wolfess he'd met before, Ciara, was surely suffering at his account. He should never had mentioned meeting her, but how would he have know she wasn't supposed to leave? She'd introduced herself as an Epsilon of New Dawn, just as this Augustus had. At the very least she should be able to hold her own. He didn't understand it. A woman could fight just as well as a man. His clan had had quite a few female warriors, and they'd proven themselves positively lethal.

Ugh, he should never have stayed for as long as he had. If he hadn't had been so soft he could have offered his sympathies and moved on. Any other man would have done the same, apparently he wasn't any other man. Isa and Hadley would have had their pups by now. At least he'd had the sense to obey the behemoth's wishes, and had traveled south. To the home that waited for him. To Casa di Cavalieri. There his skills would be appreciated, and his steel would be welcomed. Or so, Isa had assured him.

Lifeless plastic eyes, possessed by a stuffed toy in the shape of a wolf, stared at the ceiling. It was a gift he'd hoped to give to the silvery woman's pups. A fortunate find, and one he was sure the little ones would be sure to enjoy. Despite a powdering of dust it remained in good condition, granted one ear was a little chewed, but it was in one piece. It was the least he could do for the woman who'd shown him kindness and offered him a home. Beside the doll lay a couple belts carrying sheaths with a longsword and dagger. His pack there was also, all his belongings resting on top of the bed. The hybrid himself lay just out of sight beneath the bed. His patched bedroll lay on the ground below him as he lay on his back, muzzle a mere inch away from poking through the frame. And for as odd as it would seem the Callow man was really quite comfortable, considering he'd slept most of his life in a cramped den beneath the Beta's house.

His muscles ached, but that was just as he liked it. The man had taken up his sword and shield in a training regimen mimicking that of his old clan. He worked his muscles and went through his stances until he had to pant for every breath, and until his muscles burned like the flames of a funeral pyre. It was disciplined work, but he was a disciplined man, little did he know that this was about to be tested.

The Callow knight was not aware of the woman who'd fled to his very doorstep. His brown ears twitched to the sound of her growl, but it wasn't that that woke him. It was the smell. His nostrils twitched, once. It filled them with a pungent aroma, sickly sweet. His nostrils twitched again and a cream hued hand rubbed them. When it persisted he rolled to his side, a pink tongue sliding out of his muzzle to lick his lips, as if his belly ached with hunger, but it wasn't his belly that ached. With a groan he opened his hazel eyes, pulling himself out from under the bed. Half-asleep he ran his fingers through his short-cropped mane, and pulled his belt from the mattress. He was drawn towards the scent like a moth to the flame, and strapped on his sword belt as he strode through the doorway out into the hall and into what remained of the sitting room. He wasn't prepared for what he saw there.

A woman lay asleep on the couch... And he found her irresistable. The scent was stronger here; her scent. It caused his hazel eyes to smoulder with a feral intensity, and he saw nothing but her curves. He had to bite his lip to coax himself to look away. He didn't know this woman, damnit...but oh, he wanted her. His body wanted her. He had to fight this, fight whatever this was. For a brief moment he regained control of himself and as silently as he could he crept to the bedroom, stuffed the toy into his bag and came back to the sitting room. Carefully he tread from there, doing his level best to stalk silently towards the door while holding his breath the best he could. But before he reached it a floorboard creaked and his heart nearly stopped. He involuntarily released the breath he was holding praying that it hadn't been enough to wake her.

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