it's time

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

The dark Alpha had been sleeping a dreamless sleep. He had been exhausted, both mentally and physically; so much had been happening in his pack and he was stressed and on edge for more ways than one. Titania had been gone so long and he needed her now more than ever, but he could not bring himself to retrieve her from the birthing den and was still hoping she’d come out on her own time. He hoped that it was soon though.

Zalen had been inside the den sleeping when Ookami had called and nearly hit the ceiling at the shocking sound of the call. He landed on his back feet though, breathing heavily from the sudden start from his sleep, but then he turned to see Ookami silhouetted against the entrance to the den; he was crying. Zalen immediately was at his side, Ookami? What is the matter? Zalen did not know the male very well, but he was a pack brother nonetheless, and the Alpha cared for them all.

Image courtesy of stock-azzo@deviantART; table by Haley

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