inside and out


Anselm had quickly grown immune to her snippy attitude, but that didn't mean he didn't feel entitled to point out just how ridiculous she was being. "I couldn't read at your age," he retorted. Before she could reply with something else asinine, he added "I guess I was too busy worrying about survival, and I didn't have time for such luxuries." He kept his eye on her, wondering if she understood the full impact of his words. Be a little more grateful, kid.
"Anyway, you're mistaken. I'm actually rather curious about what you know..." Talitha. He wouldn't insult her by telling her what he wanted to talk about, since she could probably guess. Surely she realised why she was being kept here. "I'm pretty sure we can all agree that the sooner everyone is back home, the better." In this, an incentive to just go along with it. Most of his cynicism stemmed from the belief that she'd be inherently uncooperative and stubborn. If he was captured, he'd have at least considered a hunger strike, and he wasn't sure that he'd do anything to make his captors happy. Rejecting their gifts, refusing conversation--then again, he was an asshole, not a young girl.

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