Skeletons of the past

Red Eyes nodded towards the wolf, "Pleasure to meet you Roland," he chuckled quickly, "Despite the situation."
The side of Red Eyes' lips curled up as Roland spoke, yes he should be glad, most likely the slave chasing them would attempt to kill Roland. When Red Eyes was a slave they were normal told that any contact with other wolves must be dealt with, most took this to mean kill anyone who sees them.
Red Eyes took a deep breath before answering Roland's battle questions, "This wolf is a slave, if anything he'll only have a small knife." Red Eyes' ex-master, Bear, had never trusted any of his slaves with anything more than a knife. Red Eyes looked over to Roland, "The problem is he won't be alone, once in danger or seriously injured, the slave will probably make a short whistle, just audible for any wolves in the area. The whistle will signal danger and all other slaves in the area around us will come to the noise source."
He thought of ways through his mind to prevent the slave from emitting the noise, and then he pointed at Roland's spear, "How good are you with those things?" He asked "Because if you could aim it at the slave's throat, it might stop him signalling the others."

If Roland wasn't able to hit the slave, then Red Eyes would, he took out his knife, and flipped it in his hand.
They waited for a few moments, before the dark grey feet of a wolf appeared at the door to the warehouse.

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