[M] Panic!

Hey! Don't worry about expectations. Now, I hope my posts live up to yours! Big Grin

Word Count → 000

Dreams came to the leopard woman fast. They were bizarre, arousing, yet interesting dreams that had the woman smiling and making small noises as she lay on the couch. Nearly every frame of every dream had Aro in it. The handsome man she loved, the one who turned her on beyond whatever she thought was possible. After about an hour of sleep, she rolled over so her whole body was on the couch, her legs spread out comfortably. Who would have thought a dirty old couch would be a good place to sleep? As dreamed on, things began to change. The seductive dreams where Aro was once in, changed and now there was a faceless man whom she was surprisingly attracted to. It seemed that in this state of heightened arousal she would be attracted to any man, or woman. The satisfied noises continued as she let the dreams play out, they felt so very real and enticing. There was no worry for who this man was or why he was causing her so much pleasure, she welcomed him to do anything that she wanted, that her body wanted. Even in unconsciousness her heat was taking over. It was the first one she'd ever had and it was overwhelming.

It probably hadn't been the best idea to take up residence in an old house in Halifax. There were still many canines here around the old shops and bars, some probably even lived her permanently. But, when she'd left Casa's borders the only thought on her mind was escaping her pack and all the attention she would be getting. The man that had been sleeping in the back room wasn't even noticed upon arrival, her mind elsewhere. She hadn't even bothered to check to see if this house was empty.

The small muffled sounds of the man packing his things and slowly walking her way were heard, but they didn't wake her. They merely played a part in her whimsical fantasies. It wasn't until he creaked the floor board that she started to awake. Sidra's ears twitched and her mind slipped back into a half conscious state, her sense of what was real and what wasn't beginning to kick in. The stranger's scent wafted into her nose, causing it to wrinkle and a long quiet moan came from her. A man was here, but the unconscious and still dreaming part of her thought that it must just be Aro coming to surprise her and a larger smile splayed on her lips. Mmmmmm...you came. She said in soft sultry tone before turning over on her side and taking another whiff of the air around her. Wait a minute, that definitely wasn't Aro's scent. Panic struck her and her eyes jolted open, her amethyst gaze immediately pin pointing the source of the smell. A man was creeping out of the house, weapons dangling from a belt. Sidra growled a deep and feral growl before hopping off of the couch, grabbing her dagger from her bag, unsheathing it, and pointing it at the man. Hey!! What the hell do you think you're doing in here? Trying something?!

Although the heat made her much more attracted to men, her sense of danger still stayed in tact. She was alone out here with a putrid aroma radiated off of her body. This was probably the most dangerous time to be in Halifax or anywhere outside of Casa's borders for that matter. Sidra judged his demeanor quickly, eyes gazing from his face all the way down his mostly nude body. Her glare on him softened as she realized he didn't appear very threatening at all and appeared to be leaving. She kept the dagger raised and her stance ready but she no longer believed him to be a huge threat. Even so, what was he doing in this house while she was sleeping? That seemed kind of suspicious to her. His presence was deterring her though. She could feel her heart beat rising in her chest from the man simply being in the same room as her. She didn't know him, had never seen him before, but he was a male and her need to reproduce was incredibly stubborn with the heat making her body tingle with desire. Maybe she shouldn't have left and just dealt with a few male's attention. What are you doing in this house while I was sleeping? It had probably been her heat that had drawn him in here, that had to be it.

Image courtesy of pavel89l1@deviantART; table by Haley

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