[M] Panic!

OOC:: Haha this is gonna be fun! Where's the popcorn? WC::

The man passed the couch, careful not to stray to near to her, or breath in her tantalizing scent. But as he did so his brown ears shifted towards her listening to her soft empassioned sighs and ragged breathing. The amber in the mid of his hazel irises blazed as they roamed over her lithe frame. His body shuddered in reaction, and his flesh burned beneath his fur. He took another step, eyes never leaving her body. She didn't seem to react to his presence, and he glanced towards the ceiling in silent thanks, but as he took another step towards the door he realized that he didn't really want to leave. Something about her, the way she lay so contended, her sweet perfume, and the erotic sound of her moaning cemented him in place for a moment. Gaining some semblance of control he took another step, steeling himself mind and body, that was when the floor squealed in protest. Everything stopped, then. The breath rushed out of him and panicked eyes raced to gage the woman's reaction.

There was nothing for a moment and he gathered his resolve to try again, but then it came. A long sensual moan. He closed his eyes tight and before he knew it he was inhaling the sweet aroma of her heat. His body eagerly drank it in, and he felt saliva pool in his mouth. Then she spoke. You came? Had she been expecting him? Did she know he'd been in the back room all this time? His brows slowly knitted together. He'd never seen this woman before in his life, how could she have know he was here? As he gazed at her he saw her nostrils widening, inhaling his musk of wood smoke and leather, but something was wrong. Her eyes opened suddenly, narrowing on him. He turned towards her, feeling light headed. Being so confined in the house the smell had nowhere to go and he was hopelessly seduced by it's intoxicating aroma.

He was a simple man, unadorned, save for the necklace resting against his toned chest. His shield was strapped about him, the leather loop drawing a diagonal of brown leather from chest to his opposite side, breaking the pattern of his ridged abdomen and its developed musculature. Two simple belts were about his hips, one thinner with a dagger sheathed on his right side, the other was wider, heavier to compensate the weight of the long sword sheathed on his left hip. His leather pants he wore also, but in his haste he'd neglected to lace them up properly. All this was lost on him as he gazed in a trance at the waking woman. A growl tore from her lips and he was pulled back to reality. He shook his head roughly, the dagger she'd drawn unnoticed until the very last moment. Delayed he grabbed for the hilt of his bastard sword, though only drew it half way. His bag fell to the ground with the motion, landing with a dull thud.

She yelled at him accusingly breaking the haze of his former state entirely. His hackles immediately rose. His English-accented voice was deeper somehow due to increase in testosterone."What do you mean what am I doing here?! I've been here since this afternoon! Maybe you should have, I don't know, smelled around before you decided to barge in here smelling, smelling like that!" Even in his surprise her heat was affecting him, breaking up his words. He glanced at the dagger. "I don't mean you any harm, please...drop the weapon." Heat or no she needn't fear any harm from the hybrid, and Alister didn't much like seeing a dagger pointed at him. He'd preferred to keep his sword in its sheath for now. Unable to bring himself to harm something so...so...lovely.

His body felt weak just being near her. He forced his eyes, which had been ravaging her throughout, downward. Alister pull yourself together you're a knight for god's sake! But he couldn't. His mind and body were fighting a losing battle, and his body was winning. Her eyes softened and she spoke again. "I was uh..just...just leaving." He had to remind himself, as well as tell her. Half-heartedly he reached for his pack, but neglected to pull it from the floor.

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