[M] Panic!

OOC:: -noms- WC::

She retorted quickly, muzzle wrinkling into a snarl. Even this action caused his insides to writhe into knots. Her every move was so sensual, enticing. He wanted nothing more than to...No, no he didn't. He had to lick his lips to keep from drooling. "Of course...course not." His voice was softer now and his hackles fell. "As for creeping around, as you so eloquently put it, I was fast asleep a few minutes ago." And so he had been, even his mane, which he cared for so obsessively in any other situation was unruly, disheveled. The haze before his eyes was lifted however. Her raised voice had jolted him awake, and he saw her very clearly.

She was an exotic looking woman, with a pelt like none he'd ever seen before. His head cocked with interest as it roved over her gold accented frame. She was a little over a foot shorter than he, but her body appeared long and lithe with beautifully sloping curves he couldn't tear his eyes from. And those eyes. He glanced up at her face to her stunning amethyst orbs, like none he'd ever seen before. He was enraptured by her and he couldn't bring himself to look away. His eyes caught hers as they took him in and his hand rushed to his mane where he ruffled it self-consciously the motion doing wonderful things to the muscles of his chest, which was decidedly bare. He'd always had a high opinion of himself, his looks anyway, but the women of his clan had been far more interested in Aedan's legitimate son with his cream pelt golden locks, and dazzling blue eyes. This woman, however, seemed just as enchanted by him as he was her, and he had no idea what to do. He knew what he wanted to do, but...no. No it wasn't right, he couldn't. This...this wasn't him.

She lowered her weapon and his long sword compliantly followed, retreating back into its sheath with a metallic scraping noise. He slowly removed his hand from its hilt with an open palm, watching her just as carefully. "There...That's better now, isn't it?" He said in his accented voice, as soft as thunder. While she struggled to look up at him, he couldn't keep his eyes off her. His body was blazing, unbearable heat spreading from his abdomen and upwards. The tension was palpable in the air as her body remained tensed. He did his level best to relax, himself, to quell the fire burning inside him. He struggled with every breath, on the verge of panting, he tried to control, but the seductive fragrance of her heat burned inside his nostrils. It dazed him, making all coherent thought impossible.

He vaguely registered that she'd spoken again and it took him a couple moments for his mind to catch up. "It's, it's okay...You have every right to be suspicious." He was only midly aware of the other hand the clutched the handle of his pack. He looked at it, as if he'd only just now realized it was there. He'd been in the process of leaving, hadn't he? His eyes followed her as she kept lowering her gaze, seeking hers. "Alister Carrow...er, Callow...Alister Callow." God, he couldn't even get his name right! Had he been in a better mental state he might have remarked on her being from Casa. He'd been headed there himself, but the detail was lost on him. "Pleasure, pleasure to meet you, my lady." His voice was halting, uncertain as the situation caused him to be. He hoisted the pack to his shoulder. "Now, I guess. I'll be...on my way." But he didn't move, his body was entirely unresponsive he couldn't tear himself away.

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