[M] Panic!

OOC here!

Word Count → 000

It was a further relief to know that this man hadn't been sneaking around the house she'd sleeping in, but sleeping in it as well. He seemed genuine and kind, though Sidra still wasn't one to trust strangers, especially men. His posture calmed, hackles falling flat again, and she was no longer threatened by him. His eyes were stuck to her, which made her self-conscious with the scars littering her body and the heat getting to her head. She didn't want all this attention...did she? She wasn't sure. She was attracted to him, wanted him to stay but part of her knew better than that. A smile crossed her lips as he tried to fix his messy mane. She noticed his muscles flexing and her tongue flicked out of her mouth to lick her lips. For a moment, her ears pressed forward, intently watching him as he moved. Damn, he was handsome. Manly in ever aspect and so very irresistible. Sidra let a small whine slip from her mouth, immediately regretting it. Her face turned fro his, ears pasting against her head once again. A hand came up to fiddle with one of her long braids...she was a complete mess right now unsure of what she wanted and unsure of what was right. She had someone who loved her, cared for her, but right now all she saw was the man in front of her.

He let his weapon slide back into the sheath and his hand fell from it. Her eyes glanced down to her own dagger which she still didn't want to let go. With some hesitation, she placed it on the table that sat in front of the couch. The man spoke again. Oh man...his different way of speaking had her tuning on every channel just to listen to him. Yes...I suppose it is. Every moment they stood in front of each other was torture. She wanted to succumb to the heat, let the wildfire envelope her and do what her body wanted her to with every inch of it's athletic frame. They stood there for a few moments. Sidra's eyes darted form the floor up to him, capturing every little movement and sound he made. Her canine pressed down on her lip as she tried to control herself from doing something she knew she'd regret.

A few moments later Alister finally answered her, though she hadn't even noticed how long it had taken him to respond. She was much to entertained by his presence to even care what words were and weren't said. She smiled when he fumbled his name. It gave her a little bit of confidence knowing she was making him that way. Her scent was capable of causing any man to drop to their knees, she had some power when the fiery intensity burned in her. But, it wasn't true power for she could barely keep herself in check. Sidra straightened up and lifted her head. The hand that had been holding the dagger came across her chest and to her other shoulder, seductively trailing back across and over one of her bare breasts. She inhaled sharply, her arousal at it's peak and ready to pop. Without even knowing it, she was seducing him, letting her body take over. One of her legs bent underneath her curves showed even more and her arm crossed her stomach to catch hold of her other arm in a shy manner. Her head lowered once gain, shyly gazing up at him from under her furrowed brow. Alister Callow...is a handsome name. Oh god. What in the stars name was she doing? Seducing him?

Yes...she was and she was enjoying it. The exotic woman was sinking back into her old habits of sleeping around with men just for fun though now that her heat was here, it held a purpose. A purpose which she had the intense need to fulfill. She couldn't take it any longer. Her eyes narrowed into a sensual gaze and she stepped forward. Pleasure to meet you too Mister Callow... She walked up to him slowly and when she reached him, her hands went out and grabbed his pulling him forwards to where the couch was. Please don't leave. Have a drink with me, we can talk and get to know each other. Of course that's not what she meant by talk, but Sidra was having a good time already. Whether he followed he to the couch or not, she sat down and dug through her bag. The woman had a full bottle of whine on her person, knowing she might like to drown her worries away in the delicious liquid. It was a sweet white whine, the name had been worn away from time. She also pulled out a flask full of vodka and set them both on the table looking up at Alister in a suggestive manner.

Image courtesy of pavel89l1@deviantART; table by Haley

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