
Hey AG. You can answer this with Lubomir appearing after the exchange, or if you're busy/having a hard time, I can end it here under the presumption that Lubomir did hear everything, and discussed with Skoll afterward?

"Yes. And his protege. It isn't the present that drives this, Skoll. We never feared Gronnor and the four wolves to whom he passed his knowledge. We feared the future that they might create. A rival for even ourselves...for the future well-being and preeminence of GreyClaw, we could not permit a large population of fighters using our stolen secrets." The words came out flat and deliberate. He sensed that the warrior had been leveled by the knowledge of his fallen teacher and student, but he wouldn't be frozen in place for much longer. If he attacked now, it would snap the other warrior out of this state immediately. If he did nothing, a cold anger would likely burgeon within the other, and a battle would take place on the border of Shadowed Sun. Now was the time to make his offer, before the gears in Skoll's mind finally worked him through his own disbelief and came to the conclusion that...

"I have to kill you," came that somber voice, strained and tortured, not at all what he'd expected. His own answer was clear.

"Of course. Just as I have to kill you. That is what I came here for. To issue a challenge."

"Challenge accepted." Skoll stepped forward, but Asmodai stepped back.

"Hear me out. I came to issue a challenge, hoping to give you time to prepare. To compensate for the disgraceful behavior of my cousin, I would ensure that this is resolved in an honorable way. I wouldn't have you accept immediately, as if I came here and simply attacked you on your own land. You may have loved ones you want to see before then, just in case. Perhaps unfinished business with other people that you need to address. Soro told me you were with a woman, delaying the battle would give you time with her." Silence in answer. The bronze wolf's face was unreadable.

"I don't pretend to know what is of value to you, only that I wish to make amends for what has already happened between us." A snort in reply.

"You were supposed to be there to help him kill me. You were a part of the plan to lure me out using an innocent bystander, and use her to kill me. Do you know what that could have done to her? Seeing me die...would you have even let her out at the end, seeing as how she would no doubt tell someone of your presence? I find it hard to believe that someone who could play a part in that has any concern for honor." Asmodai's face was emotionless at this accusation. He knew it to be true, and it hurt to hear the words, though he could not fight them. That same haunted look from before...

"My cousin...understood his own sort of honor. He made a grievous mistake, and two of our companions were killed by a pack called the Snow-Capped Pine. Our numbers cut in half, he wanted to ensure the success of our mission at the lowest risk possible. He needed to retake his honor, to compensate his failure with flawless success. In GreyClaw, such a tactic would not be frowned upon. In Orion's Star, the pack my teacher and I are from, it would be. I allowed it, because I knew he had to reclaim his honor. For my indulgence, he has died disgraced." His composure had returned to perfection while he spoke those words, but he felt an extreme drain on his spirit. This topic was difficult to discuss with Soro's killer.

"I will not underestimate you. Even if I am superior in ability to my younger cousin, I recognize the possibility that you will kill me. That is why it is important that I challenge you in this fashion. I would not die disgraced, if redemption is still within reach." Silence. The other warrior had not let his guard down with all these admissions, and his eyes still related a sense of wary enmity. Asmodai didn't care. If he was to decide, there would be no fighting today.

"When?" Short, dangerous.

"In ten days' time. The territory south and west of Shadowed Sun. Follow the shoreline, and you will find me eventually." The gold-furred wolf stood in silence, engaged in some struggle with a darkness inside him, before offering the slightest nod of his head. Asmodai nodded in return, turned around, and walked away.


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