[M] Panic!

Going to put an M on this just in case. Though, I don't think it's needed. Just to be safe though.

Word Count → 000

The power she had over him was like a drug, she wanted more. She wanted nothing more than to stay with him all night. They could talk, play, drink...maybe even do more. Sidra let her imagination go wild and it sent shivers down her spine. She didn't know the man, but wanted him so very badly. Alister followed her without hesitation to the couch where she sat down. The moment he sat down next to her, she stiffened, the fur on the back of her neck standing on end. It took all of her will to not turn to him and place her lips against his, feel the warmth of his masculine body as she pressed her own up against him. There, his hands would be free to explore her and do whatever he wanted and hers could do the same. It wouldn't be long before they committed the one act she was trying to very hard to stay away from. Sidra shook her head slighly trying to knock the thoughts out and focus on the task at hand. She had a man, this heat was merely playing with her mind. Her eyes turned to him, seductively narrowed on him as she shook her head. No, it won't hurt. It never did hurt. Alcohol was one of her favorite things. It was as she looked at him that she noticed the necklace dangling from his neck. It was beautiful and detail, looked to have some value to it. She didn't look at it long enough for him to notice her, but that's what she'd be going after.

There was also his swords, but in Casa she was sure she could find a trader to find weapons of her own. Something like Alister's necklace would be hard to come by. She turned back to the bottle of whine and Vodka at Alister's mention of no glasses. She tilted her head and nodded. You're right...hmmm. She got up, slowly, almost planted there by the handsome man's presence, and went into a room she knew used to be a kitchen. This place may be old, but there were certain things Luperci didn't care about. Silverware and glasses were one of them. Once in the kitchen she began to search through the cabinets until she found what she wanted. There were a few wine glasses left over and in the back of the cupboard some other glasses. But, they could drink straight from the flask. That's what she did at least. With a satisfied look on her face she walked back over to the couch with the glasses in one hand. Sidra bent over the couch, behind where Alister sat, and placed her free hand on Alister's chest, breathing him in. A tremble was sent down the back of her neck and down her spine at the touch, the simple touch of herself on a man. Her finger ran through his fur. Found some... She came back around, sat down, and placed the glasses on the table. Instead of grabbing the wine she grabbed the Vodka and took off the cap.

It was a common knowledge to drink liquor before anything else, or you'd end up sick. She took a swig herself, downing it in the most graceful manner. She tried her best not to show it on her face and succeeded, something she'd learned. Then, she handed it to Alister. Hope you like Vodka. If he took it from her, she'd then wipe out the dusty wine glasses with a cloth from her bag. Who knows how long they'd been sitting that cupboard for. Once clean, she leaned back on the couch and pressed herself up against Alister, letting her eyes wonder over his lean figure. The bulge in his pants was noticed and eyed for a moment before a wide grin spread across her face as she thought about the things she could do with what was hidden behind the cloth. She could feel her heart start to race, pounding loud in her chest. Her breath became faster as she looked up at him. What had she gotten herself into? Aro was the only man she'd let come near her since she came to this land. He was the first man he'd come to trust and love. Now, she was gawking over a stranger. Oh how easy it would be to simply let herself go. Without thinking, Sidra leaned closer to him. Her face so close to his. She breathed in and whined...god damn. This was torture!

Image courtesy of pavel89l1@deviantART; table by Haley

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