[m]I've been travelling, travelling forever
She became furious at the mention of Skye. Tal became furious at the mention of Shawchert. His hackles, which had begun smoothing, raised again. "Of course Shawchert fucking knew. Shawchert was fucking perfect, wasn't he? So perfect you fucked him when we were courting." Men could hold grudges too. "And if you think we're all so weak then you don't know a fucking thing about us."

She went on about Sanja, and realization came to him in a jolt so sudden, he sat on his haunches. He had loved her for her peculiarities, for her smile, and her personality. Now that she drew the line for him, he saw the way her tics were like Liam's. Perhaps the illness manifested in different ways in the two of them, but they were the same in other ways. Either way, it became much simpler for him to understand her insistence that the skulls remain where they were, that Tameri had to be on the porch with the other skulls.

Her last words drove the breath out of him. After everything, he couldn't take any more. He was on his feet again, and advancing at her, his eyes blazing. "You stupid little bitch. I came here to tell you I love you, to beg for your forgiveness, to beg you to come back. I came here to beg you in any way I could to love me again, to be in my life again. I came here to spend time with my family, all of it, you and the pups included. I came to tell you that I would do anything you asked if you would just let me be a part of your life again. I came to find out what I had done so wrong that you walked away from me. You are right, D'Arte is a lot of dreamers, but isn't that what life is about? Having dreams and then obtaining them? You threw my love for you in my face, Sky. You accuse me of letting the monsters run free? Are you telling me you wouldn't do the same fucking thing if it had been Cody instead of Liam?"

His heart was aching, torn apart by her words, by the cruelty she was showing him in both words and manner. "I'd rather be a dreamer and a 'lazy merchant' than someone with no heart." He turned away then, presenting his back to her. As he walked, he stepped on the head of the carefully prepared rose, tearing and crushing the painted petals. He wasn't leaving New Dawn yet, he was still going to spend time with the rest of his family while he was here.

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