written on our hearts and souls

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Sorry it has taken so long D: My muse has been dying for a while. *attempts to breathe life into it*

The past couple of days, Styx had been walking on clouds. Ever since Hel had told him that they would have puppies. He still couldn't quite believe it was true. He'd been on his way to get some more firewood when he'd heard Iskata's call, and had changed direction to see what it was she wanted.

He was, he noticed, among the last to arrive, and he licked his muzzle in embarrassment as he snuck in and sat down. Of course he wasn't invisible, even if he might have hoped to be so, so he smiled a little and waved.

"Hullo," he said, his British accent not quite as obvious as it had been when he'd met Hel for the first time. He peered curiously at the lady he hadn't yet met. He'd noticed her scent around the area, of course, but her face was new to him. "Sorry if I'm late." Hel should be here soon too, he was certain.


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