[m] and now that I've found you...
295 - Angry, horny and... deadly? XD

His words stung like salt in an open wound. She snarled in response to it, anger flaring up again as he dug in his claws, shaking her. She moved to steady herself, barely moving against his efforts- she wasn't as tiny as she looked. He yelled at her, claiming her. He sullied her offer, mocking the very idea of it and then further cemented that she leave with him, leave it all behind, her peace, her sanctuary. Her garden of Eden. Never. She was about to shout back at him when suddenly, her head was yanked forward and his mouth was on hers.

She pushed at him at first, a feirce growl bubbling from her throat, but after a moment of resisting, she figured that he wasn't about to let her go that easily... and a part of her... liked it. Wanted more. He'd... never been like this before. Never stood his ground against her so... feircely. A heat pooled in her stomach and she found herself pulling him closer, claws digging in harder, tail curling to rest against her back. The growl continued but it wasn't the same as before- this time, there was a darker undertone to it, something... acidic.

She noticed the hardness as it pressed against her stomach and one hand moved down as if to grab it, stopping at his stomach though and digging claws in. Those claws raked down to his hips, not quite drawing blood but ripping bits of fur as they went until they dug deeper along his hip line. There was nothing tender about any of this. Nothing gentle. Pent up frustration and anger and spite and wrath... Wrath. She was known for that paricular sin, wasn't she? So vengeful. So angry. So deadly.


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