Soft Bonds
OOC: Hey that would be awesome thank you!

Her amusement seemed to be short lived as the man finally got onto the giant herbivore. Her giggling fit turned into a quite rumbling in her chest. She scrunched her nose as she turned over to the side- a small rabbit was nearby. She would have to get it later. She was slightly distracted When they walked by. But she would have been blinded to not see the Luperci’s priceless face, a small smile forming on her lips. His embarrassed expression made her laugh inside- not that she would show it on the outside. She moved out from behind the tree she had been sitting behind. She nodded her head in greeting at the male. The fact that the horse was not quite broken in yet explained everything. “It’s a-alright, I understand t-that horses can b-be hard to break.”

She winced at her stutter, puffing her cheeks out in frustration before tilting her head to the side. The mare was beautiful, not that she would know much about horses. Ivy knew when to appreciate things when she saw them. China blue orbs turned back to the stranger on the horse. “My n-name is Ivy, Ivy Havoc. And y-your horse is very c-charming to say the least.”

Her smile widened a little more as her eyes shifted over to the horses long face.

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