woke up to a brand new skyline
This post fails, I shouldn't have ate food because now I want to sleep. :|
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... rel/t3.png); background-position: top center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

Back at the camp, his eyes blandly looked over what all they actually had. With the sickness flying around, who had time to actually store anything? It didn't help that some of their group was a little scattered at the moment either, but Laurel wasn't really one to boss them around. They were free to do as they pleased, that was the whole point of anything. His olive-tinted eyes scanned over the things that were scattered about, only resting on an old metal milk container he had lifted off of a farm. Filled with water, he had intentions of putting fish in it, thinking it would have been a good way to keep any that were still alive in the land of the living. Plus the whole added advantage of having to bob for fish, maybe. Peering into the container, much to his luck (or maybe even dismay) was one fish. It had died from the looks of it; belly-up and drifting. So he pulled it out and looked it over, not finding anything that insisted that it had started to rot. At which point thereafter he found Nikita wandering the camp site and he simply waved it in her direction before skewering it and resetting the fire to light it.


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