Searching for a new life

Word count 357:: OOC

The emotional pain of Titania’s disappearance was beginning to fade, leaving behind a physical ache in the muscles of the Alpha. He did not understand why his mate… his former mate now he supposed… had left him and New Dawn, but he was sure it had to do with the puppies that were now being reclaimed by the earth. He had been tempted to go keep vigil near the now cold den, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it, instead curling up in the now all too big hovel in the main den and sleeping for an entire day. He was mourning, but he could not let his sadness show too much for the sake of the others in New Dawn; he was sure they were upset too; the Alpha would not be having puppies now.

The first howl did nothing more than perk his black ears, but his eyes remained closed and his head resting against his chin. The second howl was not to be ignored, it was Jiva, and Zalen open his olive eyes to peer out into the sunlight outside the den. Part of him did not want to leave at all, but he knew he had duties and he had to be strong for his pack. So he got onto all fours, still in his Lupus from the day before, and ran out into the light.

Running seemed to recharge his battery, and he became more and more alive the more he moved. Soon he saw Jiva come into sight, and beside him, a mahogany wolfess. She was in a submissive stance, and Jiva seemed positive, so Zalen did not hesitate to walk over to the wolfess and straddle her as he sniffed her entire body. She smelled of the wilderness, not like Thana had the past week, and so Zalen could only assume she was a loner. His ebony tail began to sway ever so slightly, Hello. He said softly, stepping off her, I am Zalen, Alpha of this pack. Are you here to join us? He shot a glance to Jiva, all of sudden slightly perturbed at the male's presence.

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