M-Knight in Shining Armor

OOC here!

If there was one thing that could turn the knightly Marino into a vicious beast it was his woman, who smelled of that sweet odor being kidnapped. How did he find this out, well, he found her spot she'd camped out at and there was no Sidra, but an upset Soloman. Right then he was on alrt, then the smell of males filled the area. His lips snarled and his eyes widened. The air was filled with fear, Sidra's fear. He looked to Soloman, "Can you take me to her!?" It was more a demand than a question. And with that he ran up to the horse, grabbed around the large stallion's neck and swung himself atop the horse. Soloman seemed to understand what Aro wanted, and it was as if he was waiting for the tuxedo man to come. Perhaps it was just his imagination. Either way, Aro was going to track down these damn idiots and show them who they just fucked with.

As Soloman ran Aro's mind raced. What could these men have done to her? What terrible things raced through his mind...them raping her, them defiling her in ways he couldn't let himself think about. Beating her into submission. He knew they'd had to, she was a fighter...but obviously these men over powered her. He had to think about this, how many could there be?

As the scent became more potent, her scent that is, he told Soloman to slow and the horse did. Aro dismounted then hushed the horse some, "...we need to be as quiet as possible...we're going to surprise these assholes and show them just who the real asshole is around here..." His deep voice whispered and he gave a nice charming grin.

Their cackles sounded the air giving them away. With how loud they were it would be easy to sneak up on them. His nose lifted and he found the direction the wind was going and moved downward. Moving closer and closer as he heard one of them speak, ears flickered forward listening to what he had said. Where she belonged was with Aro? Who did they think they were? His lips lifted but not a sound rumbled from him. His eyes finally got to see the group, then found Sidra. A man was staring at her, holding her and laughing before kneeling down and slapping her. He almost lunged right there sword drawn but he didn't. He had to calculate this, he had to keep his head about him. The moment she was in the wagon, his eyes focused on who was most likely the leader. It had to have been the one knocking her around.

She looked awful, and his worst thoughts came to the front. They hurt her, they violated her and they would pay...today!

He kept his cover nearing himself to a target and waited for no ones eyes to be on said target, his skinning knife. His eyes locked and the second the target was unnoticed Aro leaped from the brush and dragged the fiend back cutting the throat of the man open, the blood soaking the pelt of the man and down to Aro's snow white chest. As the man gasped in his grip Aro held the man's muzzle shut, "Now, feel her pain...die slow...and painfully.." The words spoken with a dark malice and deep voice. Once the man's jugular bled out he dropped him knowing now that they'd suspect something. Cleaning his knife he placed it back, and readied his sword moving away from his hidden spot elsewhere aware that they'd scent his friend when they began to search for him. He remained downwind, he knew it would be sometime before they found him, if he got another chance he'd take down another before letting himself be seen.

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