The things she'll make you do

out of character

Meep. *scuttles in* I'm SO sorry for the wait in this. Backdated to the 27th works wonders for me. And if you don't have any inspiration for this thread, or think that it took too long, I totally understand if you want to close it/archive it. ><

in character

Life had seemed like it was pressed on fast forward. Khaden had felt like he had only been in the pack for weeks now, but it had felt as if he had never left these lands. He had gone through so much, meeting Ember, being promoted, receiving his co-rank. Despite all the negativity that seemed to be pressuring any sort of happy thoughts to be banished from the Souls land, Khaden had found nothing but happiness. Despite the fact that the two Dahlia de Mai wolves he had met were both wounded as a consequence of this war, as both Cercelee and Ember were hurt from a coyote.

Thoughts as such provided Khaden with paranoia, so instead of lying about in his bedroom with naught to do, Khaden picked his bulk up from the bed and soon found himself out in the graying scene of Twilight Vale. He knew that Twilight Vale was playing Switzerland in the current raging war, but it still made the boy feel better when he was out patrolling the territory. Not only that, but it seemed to give him something to do besides sit around in the Manor and think about Ember. And luckily enough, he had found exactly something to preoccupy his thoughts - or make them worse. Cocking his head, Khaden regarded the figure that was materializing in the distance. "'Scuse me miss." He called, brows furrowed and tail in a bit of a wary stance. "Can I help you with something?"

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