M-Knight in Shining Armor

The fear was building as she sat in the wagon. It was a deeply routed and intense fright that wracked her whole body. It wasn't just that she had been kidnapped, violated, or beaten, but it was that she was destined to a life of this...again. That's what scared her the most. Sidra tried to keep her eyes outside of the wagon and on the men, but her vision was blurry and crippled by the swollen state of her face. As she sat there, she wriggled trying to get lose from the rope that tied her hands and feet. But, obviously they knew how to tie up a prisoner and she couldn't do anything to loosen the knots. Her body shivered again as she watched them with the best of her ability. How long would it take? How long until they were on their way to the further depths of hell?

Sidra's ear flicked to the side of the wagon thinking she heard something different from the sound of men cleaning up a camp. Maybe a voice or a slight dragging, but it was probably just her tired mind playing tricks on her. The woman merely shrugged it off and continued to work on the ropes. As much as she wanted to, she wouldn't give up. There was always a chance of escape just as there had been the first time. At least Kativa was still free...that counted for something.

A second later, there was a panic among the men. There were only three voices though which immediately struck Sidra as odd. The one missing was Samuel's and he was generally the one barking orders. Her ears pressed forward listening carefully. The three of them gathered and sniffed the air, it smelled strongly of blood, but not Sidra's. One of the men followed the scent and found Samuel's dead body, still streaming with blood from his jugular. His voice sounded and he rushed back stumbling a bit as he came out of the brush. Ey! Ey! Samuel's dead! We've got a rat around ere'!! The two still by the camp growled and unsheathed the daggers at their hip, drawing them and looking around. With their boss dead, they weren't much of a threat, but a thread none the less. Jones! Go to the bitch, make sure she stays put. Jones was the one that had found Samuel. The one who had spoken nudged the man next to him. You an' me are gonna find the bastard...stay close. They walked slowly into the trees keeping their eyes and ears open. There noses were their primary tool, twitching and wrinkling as they tried to pick up the intruder's scent.

Jones was at the wagon alone standing in front with a bow and arrow. He had an arrow readied to loose in case he saw anyone. Sidra eyed him thinking of something she might be able to do to escape, but what? She was tied up, drugged, and injured...there really wasn't much she could do. Even so, her eyes narrowed onto Jones as she thought of a plan. Her hands focused still on the ropes, she needed to get at least one or the other loose so she could do something. The injured leopard woman fell over and knocked against the side of the wagon in her attempts alerting Jones who turned to face her, lowering his bow. Ey! Shut the fuck up and stay still. No silly business. Boss is dead. We ain't gonna lose you. He said, a smug grin on his face. Sidra's ears pressed forward. Dead?! What the hell was going on?

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