M-Knight in Shining Armor

Wicked Aro is wicked..

The men panicked immediately upon the death of their leader. He grinned as they began to try and restore order to themselves. They split themselves, leaving one here to guard their 'treasure'. It was a stupid plan as two went on the search following his old trail. Either way, they'd be fucked really, unless they all stayed together. Aro went for the weak link, as he moved to the head of the wagon staying close and kept his body out of sight as much as possible. He silently hushed the horses while he moved past them to the side opposite of where the two had left. His ears stayed on alert and he took the side of the wagon staying low. The man was facing slightly away, looking at Sidra who was in the wagon. A cocky grin came to him as he moved quickly and swiftly behind the man, hands finding his muzzle and the back of his head. Swiftly Aro broke his neck and let him fall, to reveal himself to Sidra, a smooth grin on his features and a wink before he disappeared into the woods to take out the other two.

It would have been easy to have taken her and let them continue their search, but Aro wasn't one to leave the wicked unpunished. Not after the indiscretions they committed onto his female. He layed low and then got a good plan. He called for Soloman in a very sneaky way he'd devised before they made their way here. He whistled in a birds tune, one that wouldn't call much attention. The horse broke into a run his way. Surely spooking the men some. He whispered to the horse, keeping his voice low while his ears kept on alert. The plan was for Soloman to stay at a safe distance but keep the men on edge. Keep them nervous and never on the direction Aro was to come from.

The plan went into action, Soloman ran upwind of the scouting party. Their attention on the sounds and whinnies of the horse as he let out loud sounds for all to hear. He made himself sound distressed while Aro moved as quietly as he could. A proper arrow and bow in his hands now. He could his targets. He drew back eyes on one of their backs, eyes locked onto the heart of the man. His fingers released the taunt string of the bow and the arrow flew through the woods, and the targets body took a piercing strike through the right lung falling and causing sure panic from the other as he whirled to face Aro. The tuxedo knight dropped the bow, and drew his sword immediately. His muzzle downcast while a few stray furs from his mohawk mane feel over his eyes. A large wicked grin on his muzzle, "...you're alone now...what are you going to do?" His deep voice laced with an eerily blood thirsty tone.

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