M-Knight in Shining Armor

OOC He's so sexay!!! >.<

The two men had gone into the forest, following after what they thought was the intruder's trail. The man by the wagon was too caught up with Sidra to realize Aro was coming. He'd told her to be quiet but she continued to fiddle with ropes tied around her arms and legs. Her mouth was tied shut with a cloth, her muffled growls of frustration continued. It didn't matter at this point. Either someone had come to save her or someone had come to kill her, or steal her, maybe raid the wagon. She didn't know exactly but she wasn't about to let it happen without so much as trying. It was a good distraction for her to try and escape. Sidra fell over again and again before righting herself and starting her routine of rubbing her claws up against the rope to loosen it enough so she could break free with her legs. The man turned to hush her repetitively eventually bending into the wagon to point a knife at her. I said shut the fuck up!! What the fuck you doin' back ere'?! She glared up at him as the knife came closer and pressed against her cheek.

It came as a surprise to her and Jones when Aro came up behind the man and snapped his neck rendering him lifeless. Jones struggled in Aro's hands for a moment but he was much too quick to do anything to stop him. His limp body dropped to the ground revealing her knight in shining armor standing behind him. Her eyes lit up, to the best of their swollen ability, and a long whine escaped her maw, her tail thudding against the wood of the wagon. This had to be just a dream, maybe she had died and gone to heaven? That's right, heaven was here to reenact what could have happened but was much to good to have actually came true. But, now. His scent was in her nose, his stunning blue orbs looked at her, and he gave that ever so charming grin and signature wink he always gave. Happiness overtook her and her eyes welled up with tears, overwhelmed with relief and joy to see her hero. A moment later, he was gone and she was rolling around in the wagon still trying to get loose now a bit frustrated. He could have at least untied her!! But, he was here.

The men in the forest were searching without any success. The scent seemed to lead them nowhere and they were confused bickering with each other about which way the rat had gone. Soloman listened to Aro knowing exactly what they were doing here, they were here to save his woman and he would listen to the knight's every word. He galloped towards the men who were now standing in one place arguing with each other, their focus interrupted by their childish quarrels. Their focus was broken and reengaged on Soloman who was galloping around them tossing his head and whinnying and snorting loudly. His large hooves pounded against the ground as he approached swiftly. What da fuck?! The horse trotted around them distracting them the best he could. A moment later, an arrow pierced one of the men's chest dropping him to the ground. It was a nearly fatal blow which left him gasping for air on the forest floor as he gazed up at the sky dazed, confused, and nearly dead. The other man did turn to see Aro running towards him, sword in hand and he immediately took his own stance to prepare to face the rat. His eyes narrowed, fear striking his features as he saw the brute, listening to his words. He was merely a goon.

The man growled and laughed, unsure of what was to happen. He was scared, he was alone? His eyes dropped to his dead partner...what about Jones? Was he dead too?! The hackles raised on the goon as he tried to be as fierce as possible but this man had taken out them all? He lifted his head to cry for help, a desperate attempt. Jones!! Ey'! I got im'!! When there was no answer from Jones the man went into a panic growling viciously at Aro. I'll kill ya, that's what I'll do. You sneaky bastard. Face me head on, see who's the betta' man! Of course it was another desperate act to scare off the rat, futile and sad really.

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