M-Knight in Shining Armor

Got a lot of replies in me today. Tongue Remember not to kill him. :3

The last goon had dared Aro to do something he would end up regretting. He quickly accepted the man's dare and with a growl Aro was charging him. He immediately reacted, his motions not nearly as fluid as the obsidian knight's. He was frightened and unsure of his movements. There was no way he was going to come out of this alive. He was weak, on the bottom of the food chain. These thoughts flooded his mind as Aro rushed at him with the sword in hand and a vengeful grin played across his lips. He had barely no time to react but his sword was raised and readied, he would fight or die to the hands of this man who had already taken out three men, one of them being his leader. The man charged with his weapon raised and when he neared Aro his spun and made a slash with his dagger for the black and white wolf's stomach. He didn't stop there desperately swinging the small sword to nick the man any way he could. Left, right, left, up down. Whatever he could. Meanwhile, his eyes shown the fear and he grunted as he slashed hoping one of his hits would land and he would have an opening

Meanwhile, Sidra had almost gotten her legs loose from the rope. Her claws had served her well and she was more than halfway done with cutting through one of the pieces that would let her go. Just a few more minutes and she would be free. She was so tired though, delirious and in pain, but she kept going until she needed a break. When she caught her breath she continued again and finally her feet were free. She gasped, her eyes smiling now that she could finally get out of here. She rolled to the edge of the wagon and then off of it landing on her knees and toppling over on her side. She still couldn't speak or use her hands to do anything. She tried to get up but was wobbly on her legs, the large slash on her thigh causing her quite a bit of pain. Even so, she wobbled around, Aro's scent seemed to be everywhere but she pin pointed him and slowly hobbled in his direction. Her steps were strained and she finally came toppling down, gasping for a breath of air. She could barely walk. The two dead corpses of the traffickers were on either side of her, blood pouring from the boss's body. It was a gratifying sight to say the least. Bloodshot amethyst eyes searched the forest for Aro, she could hear swords clinking together and groans int he air as she lay there. Maybe it was best she wait.

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