M-Knight in Shining Armor
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Lotsa PP XP

His eyes met directly into the man's fear filled orbs. His blue eyes bloodshot with pent up anger and he grinned with his wicked grin as his sword swung downward and shot the arms of the other upward, surely almost making him loose grip. The man couldn't get his stomach blow. He attempted many shots and Aro kept his eyes on the man's as he parried. Aro was done playing with this cowardly man and with one good swing the opponent lost his weapon, and the Knightly man rushed in his sword going to his throat as he pinned him against a large oak tree. His eyes narrowed down onto the goon, "...now, this is where I'd kill you...but seeing as I'm sure you have a bigger boss than the one you lost here, I'm going to be generous and spare your life. " His snarled muzzle snapped at the mans face, a deep throaty snarl rumbling from him, "...you're not entirely useless. You're going to deliver a message for me, got that?" He pressed the side of his sword deeper to the pervs throat impatient for the man's confirmation. "..you're going to tell your main boss that if he dares to come for Sidra Phoenix, he'll have to answer to me and 20 other warriors like me..got it!?" His fingers curled into the man's chest fur pulling him into the blade now. His eyes fiercely staring into his, "..one more thing, if you think of being clever..don't do it or I'll have to take off one of these hands of yours...just in case you don't believe me..." Aro brought up the man's dagger hand the side of his sword finding his wrist. The man attempted to fight against him, but Aro didn't waste too much time slicing it off clean. The man was lucky that Aro had kept his blades sharp, it would have hurt worst.

Aro watched as the the goon fell to the ground screaming in utter pain, pulling one of his polishing rags from a pouch he tossed it to him, "Wrap that tightly...and get out of here before I decide to make the other arm useless.." Aro then spat down at the man's feet waiting for the man to run.

Once the goon ran Aro watched him for a few moments before turning back to the encampment finding Sidra laying there before he got back to the wagon. He had been cleaning his blade on the way to her. He shealthed the blade then looked down to her, "...now...why didn't you just wait in the wagon?" His tone scolding as he picked her up with ease and put her over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes taking her back to the wagon. On the way there he whistled for Soloman to join them. Also it was a signal that everything was safe now. He had a nice cocky grin on his features. He was covered in blood and surely about to mat up if he didn't clean it within a day, but he had a sweetly scented woman over his shoulders who was to surely be throwing a fit at him right now.

Getting to the wagon he placed her on the edge of it. His eyes looking her over, but ignoring the things that pissed him off the most, like her injuries. "..ya' know, I think I like you all tied up...maybe we could get a little more kinky with one another, whadda' think, Si?" He teased as he then knelt down and began to check her ankles seeing the rope lines. Her toes were cold despite how warm it was. His large hands were warm and he began to massage her feet to get the feeling and blood running through them. Then massaged her ankles. His eyes looked up, "...does that feel better?"


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