Northern Bound
Thanks again for this~ <3

Vlad hadn't been up this far north for a long time. The last time she could remember was when she was running from the iron grip her parents had on her, and that was already many months earlier. As she walked onward, her bright green eyes couldn't help but glance around with little reminisce. A few landmarks had been familiar, albeit vaguely. Perhaps the gray wolfess had spent too much in the woods to the south of the Northern Tides? Regardless, it felt nice to move out and about every once and a while, and maybe she would find something worth her time before she headed back home.

The Russian woman trotted on for minutes more until her eyes glazed over what looked like a cart. She paused briefly in her tracks, tilting her head slightly at the two horses clomping behind it. ... Hmm. Vladislava thought about how useful a horse would be, especially if she was going to venture off from home a lot more for small bouts of adventure. She saw a creamy colored Luperci near the wagon, and let her eyes narrow. What if those horses were for sale? She didn't have any money on her, however... But perhaps she could negotiate.

With that in mind, Vlad burst off for the wagon, jogging after it at a moderate pace—she didn't want to go too fast as to scare the other canine off, after all. "Привет!" she called as she neared the other woman, and slowed into a walk. "Привет... Are those horses, by chance, for trade?" she asked cautiously, keeping hers fair distance from the lady. Vlad didn't want to come off as rude, though she also very much wanted to get her point across, and even more desired one of those horses.

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