i am the river and i will take you to see
I'm sorry this took so long, Kumu!


Dressed in freshly washed clothes, her cream peasant top with her khaki capris, with her belt and knives fastened around her waist, the female wandered along the Shattered Coast. She really had no destination, other than not toward Dahlia. She didn't feel like being around her pack at that moment, medic or no; rather, she felt like being alone. It was a bit of a surprise when she came across one Laurel Booth (though she didn't know the man's name) fishing along the water's edge. A hand was raised in greeting, just in case he spotted her, and though her hands itched to touch her knives, she kept them away from her waist, putting her medical bag between the off hand and its corresponding knife. Hello, sir, how fares the fishing today? she called out lightly, upon reaching the same stretch of beach as he.

Upon a whim, the female slung off her pack and began undressing, right down to the heretofore unseen scarlet panties. Bracing herself, she raced down the beach, and belly flopped into the water. Her breath caught in her chest at the temperature, frigid even in late summer, till she forced herself to slow down. She watched the man on the shore, studied him, tried unsuccessfully to identify him. As she treadled water, she called to him again. Join me?


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