i once was born to be bad

indentThe past was not something that she would toy with, though she dwelled on it more often than she would've liked to admit. There were painful things in the past, memories and could-bes, but Phasma knew that all the wishing in the world would never change it. She could have killed him that day, he likely would have let her, but Phasma knew that no matter how badly she hurt him, no matter what she did to him, that it wouldn't bring Ire back. What was the use of causing even more pain? It wouldn't have made her happy, it wouldn't have made her feel better. If anything at all, she'd be even worse off than she already was. He'd been in a bad way that day and that was why the woman even gave thought to what he'd said.

indentHis words came and all she could manage was a slow shake of her head, she'd never been one to take compliment well, especially when it was just her nature. The woman who wanted to believe that everyone had good in them, that everyone could change for the better if they so wished it. She wanted to help them all, she always pushed to do so, though it had been quite unsuccessful to some extent. That didn't mean she would give up though. For a brief moment she caught a glimpse of tired eyes. Eyes that made her heart fell like it was going to crumble to dust. They were so sad and empty, so completely hopeless that it hurt her.

indentAlmost as soon as he began to speak his eyes were pulled away, his words complete, and she was silent. She should have touched him then. Should have laid her hand on his face to keep him looking at her, to show him he could do it and to give him whatever comfort he might have gotten out of a simple touch at that point in his life. It was to late for that now though, but Phasma still wouldn't let it pass. "I forgive you, Laruku." Her words were almost a whisper but genuine none-the-less and, in a completely gutsy moment, she dropped the hand closest to him to lay against his arm.


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