Under the Stars
Orins answer seemed to satisfy the pup as far as curiosity about her older sisters went, a firefly took her attention temporarily, at least until her mothers voice broke silence once more. Svetlana, unlike she usually did, kept quiet and didn't repeat what was said. Her crystal blue eyes watched those of her mothers as she looked down at her. "Do they know about me?", she asked, the pup seemingly wise beyond her years and an insatiable curiosity to boot.

Svets ears folded against her head at mention of her brother, she hadn't expected her mom to mention any other than Vladmir, what Orin said took her by genuine surprise. She sat up straight, mulling the information she'd been given about her immediate family. Two sisters living. No brothers. And a mention of that name..Vladmir. She had no doubt that was the same name of her sibling, the one whom was killed. But the girl? Her name escaped her, or did she even know? If she had, it was forgotten. But at least that one name gave her something concrete to hold on to. They couldn't have just been a mere state of imagination, then. They had to be real if she knew about them too.

The pup was ready to take her chances, or at least think good and hard about it. She looked to the ground, mustering up the courage to approach the subject, no matter what it lead to. Both ears plucked up as she looked up at her mom, though her head hung still, beneath her shoulders. "Vladmir..that was my brother, I mean..my brother that was same as me.", she asked, though having trouble finding the words to describe exactly what she meant. "I mean..it was me an' him an' a girl?", she asked, trying to figure out if the two were tangible and not a figment of imagination. She made eye contact, but never budged from her hunched stature.


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