moths on the wall underneath the light

indentPhasma felt nothing ill toward her friend and the decisions that she'd made. Had the raven woman thought her own children would have been better of elsewhere, she would have made the very same decision that Akumu had. The sad fact was though, that even now, she was still greatly unsure of why Inferni had attacked in the first place. She'd trespassed there, when she thought Segodi was still ruling, to search the beach for her lost child and lover. Kaena had taken half her ear that day. Phasma hadn't returned since, until recently.

indent"Rurik came back right before Inferni attacked, he left shortly after I came here. Lucifer and Deuce are in Jaded Shadows, but I'm sure you know that. Dierdre is here in Storm with me but, aside from that, we're really the only ones left. " Almost all of them had disappeared and then returned, only to disappear once again. "I suppose your mother and father stayed behind?" She questioned finally, wishing to know that they were well.


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