Under the Stars
The devastating news that she was afraid was true was finally acknowledged. It was true that what she thought had happened but had since blocked it from her mind really was real. Svet stared at the ground, struggling to come to terms with what her father had done. If anything, she remembered that best. The beastly look in his eyes, formidable, threatening snarl on his lips. It petrified her, even now, just to think about it. She wondered if Orin knew that Mars was responsible for her blood brother and sisters death, the only pack mates and true right down to the genes family she had. But why? Why would he kill his own puppies? And why, if she knew, would Orin protect him like she had? So many answered questions ran through the pups head, it was almost too much to handle.

She made eye contact again when Orin came down to her level, lying beside her. Svet swallowed..hard. Such news wasn't easy to take in, especially when you've already been through so much at such a young age. It made her feel a little better knowing that those two, Vladmir and Misha, weren't abstract, those early memories were something she would now cherish forever. The questions hanging over her would soon enough be revealed. Svet nuzzled her mom when she gently touched her with her nose. "Yeah..", she answered almost silently. This wasn't easy..for either of them.

"What happened?", she asked, half-way prodding the subject without giving anything away just yet. She loved her father..and she wasn't sure she wanted to mess that up. But what if it happened again? What if the rage that had appeared in his eyes happened again when Orin oh so often trusted their, or her, father to look after her. What if next time, she couldn't evade the situation?


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