[M] Panic!

OOC Do whatever you need to do here...and god I feel so bad for him >.<

Word Count → 000

Somewhere buried deep inside his consciousness he knew he didn't want this, not this way-- not with her. His caresses, though gentle, were hollow and lacked affection for the woman beneath him, whom he hardly knew. In fact, he knew nothing of her at all, save her name- Sidra Phoenix. A strong name, full of fiery passion, the kind of passion that was sorely lacking between them. Their minds were disconnected while their bodies did all the talking. The Callow knight was more man than beast, and could not give her what she desired, he could not be the man she wanted. If she were someone he loved he would go that extra mile, he would be whoever she wanted him to be, do whatever she wanted him to do, and so much more... but now, in this moment, there was nothing but the maddening scent of her heat, guiding him in this carnal desire to create life. It was nature in its rawest form; instinct pure and simple.

Her hand at his neck deepened his kiss, and her other hand, ghosting down his defined chest sent pleasant ripples of electricity running down the path they traced. The kiss which started out as chaste became increasingly less innocent with taste of her, and his lips increased the pressure, kissing her with greater force. He tugged at her lower lip before they parted to rain his kisses down her neck, feather-light, until finally they reached her breast. He paused before reaching his destination to look into her eyes which blatantly dared him to go further, her voice mocking. She wasn't pleased with his gentle caresses, she wanted more. He would have parted from her then and there, had his mind been truly his own. If there was one thing he could not stand it was being mocked. Instead, with the insistance of her heat, he took it as a challenge, a feral growl rumbling in his throat in reply.

However callow he truly was the man was a fast-learner, and rather attentive. He was sensitive to her every reaction, reading her face and the movements of her body. His tongue encircled her nipple and he held her in his hand, not quite as gentle as before. Her hands explored his back, fingers pressing into his flesh, lightly at first. He wrapped his lips around the sensitive nipple, sucking on it gently to begin, eyes darting up to hers to gage her reaction before he increased the pressure, tugging, his teeth closing around it very lightly. He pulled away in order to look at her, eyes narrowing as a slight smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. When he met her lips again his kiss was deep and hungry, but abrupt. His finger brushed over her slit, feeling the moistness between her legs, not quite dipping in. It wasn't long before his exploration guided him to the little nub. Intrigued, he played with it, eyes darting to her face.

Her fingers tugged at the laces of his pants, dexterously untying them. One-armed, he lifted himself just a couple inches from her and tugged the pants free from his body, where they fell to the floor. Once rid of the annoying mess of hide his fingers returned to the wetness at her core. He kissed her, starting at her breast and working his way downwards, daring himself to go lower. His lips had trailed all the way to the top of her mound when her claws raked his back, and he gasped, surprised as she tore into him. That's it, he couldn't do this anymore! His fingers and lips gave up their pursuit and instead he grabbed her thighs, wrapping them around his hips. His swollen member pressed against her abdomen, throbbing with the desire to part her fleshy folds at last and take her as nature intended.

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