Holding onto the sweet escape

Out of character

Word Count → 000

The feel of her waist in his grasp excited him, he wanted her. He hadn't had another woman since Eclipse and granted he cared for his woman Sidra but sometimes a male needed to taste another. A reminder of what he had compared to what others felt like. Her answer so sweet to hear. For now. He let out a deep growl of approval even though her tone held no thought of anything further. Still it was nice to here, the words hinted that more could happen.

They traveled a few paces away and his eyes glanced over when she brought up Sidra, "..I don't know...she knows I'm not tied to her...she's just one that I see on a regular basis. All the other women I've been with, I tend to see them every-so often...unless I get them pregnant, like I had with one." His eyes glanced over to her, "...but I'm not going to get any others pregnant. Sidra would be very angry with me and the girl...and judging by her reaction she might kill the other female...but I wouldn't let that happen..especially if the girl is carrying my offspring..after they're born would Sidra have the okay to kill.." He gave a humored chuckle at the last part. He was joking of course, but Si was quite pissed when he broke the news. Perhaps she would harm the other girl..

His eyes looked cooly to Rio, "Look, she is aware that I'm not completely faithful. She knows that, but as far as her knowing when and who I do things with, that she doesn't know, nor I'm sure she doesn't want to know, nor does she need to know. Why should I sit there and tell her who all I fuck..and that's all it is, me fucking. I don't make love to others and it's just casual sex. Nothing more. I don't have feelings for 90% of the women I've done it with...I'm not out to make commited relationships. Sidra's just one of the lucky. She's got me, and if she chose to pull the plug on my man whoring...well..that's a mountain I'll come to when I get there.." He was now loosing his mood to lay this girl down and show her what all he could do. He was now thinking of Sidra, and it was putting his mood off on just laying down with any woman. He pictured the hurt that it might actually cause the leopard woman. Maybe he should just walk her home and call it that..

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