Schism's Edge
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ooc: Form, Optime

As the seconds passed the inferno that was his rage seemed to burn itself out rather quickly. The lack of her touch on his flesh calmed him somewhat. The expression of how he felt did much the same for him, however X'yrin did nothing to cool the anger that flowed through him, her resistance was in built and he could not falt her for trying. But now as she spoke all she seemed to do was attempt to relive the pressure on her throat that she may speak.But the words that came out of her mouth disgusted him. She was selective in her talk, she avoided the question that he posed in an attempt to misdirect, to buy herself more time to answer, but he would give her no quarry. "...Indeed, a man who is led by love...and such love he has to share!....I assume you know of his former mate?...the female Thana?...". The meeting between Thana and X'ies had been short but he had gotten enough information from the female to form a good enough assessment.

"...From what she told me....she was happily mated to Jaden before he decided to explore additional options with you...fresher meat....but even then it would seem he chose to continue with her whilst...examining you...I had to commend the girl for breaking it off with him after discovering his...betrayal...".

There was a smug feeling to this, Xyrin would be trained to withstand the physical assault, but how would she bare against the mental and emotional barrage of the Lambda? The introductions of doubts, ideas. All of which would tear her heart bit from tender bit. " More interesting though I find that Thanas story sounded all too familiar when it came to the history between her and our alpha...a bond between warriors who share the same skill fact....she tried to kill me after I mocked her...and her movements were OH so similar to a certain yellow dog we both know...". X'ies would tilt his head and stare into the females eyes. "...I have my suspicions that the yellow dog and Thana shared more than just similar history and skills....". He let out a laugh, one that almost reflected that of his Hyena friend. " I'd say...they've probably shared a bedfellow too". He prepared himself at this point for a violent reaction, he knew that the mention of the yellow dog would stir up the darkness inside of X'yrin as it had before. But the thoughts and implications of what could have happened between her apparant beloved and a creature she deemed to be lower than dirt...well that would send her into a rage that would have rivaled his own.

"....I feel this...contamination for you..this draws me and makes me do these things....this feeling is both new and old...and I can say honestly I have felt this for no other, and in the name of our anseestors..I am unlikely to feel it for anyone else, answer me now!...Do you still deny me?".



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