

Garnet had temporarily taken a break from her wild dancing. The black coyote was stretched out on the plains with her arms behind her head, just enjoying the night sky. Speaking of arms, she looked at her own. Even though she was much stronger now that she was in Optime form, she still had rather pathetic looking arms. ’Maybe I should start working out..’ The red eyed female sighed and stood back up, brushing pieces of grass that had clung to her fur. Looking around, she spotted someone moving through the forest, or to be more accurate, smelled them. Curious, Garnet walked over in the direction of the scent, catching glimpses of the person through the trees.

”Hey, you there!” She called out as she drew closer. The female wasn’t familiar to Garnet, and looked sort of like a wolf. She wasn’t sure though, and as far as she knew quiet a few of the Inferni members were half wolf anyways. ’Like mom’s pups will be.’


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