life is a perception of your own reality
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It's a luscious mix of words and tricks

     The male offered her a seat and Cercelee hobbled over to take it, easing herself down next to the male as gracefully as she could manage. Ehno Marino, the name had an amusing ring to it. The question that she had expected didn’t take long to leave Ehno’s lips, but Cercelee was prepared to answer it. Normally she explained to others before the questions could ever be asked. “Yes, I come from Dahlia de Mai. However, I had a run in with an ill tempered coyote and I’ve been healing up here for the past few weeks. I’m almost better though, so I will return home soon.” The words were sugar coated, though Ehno would have no idea until Cercelee expanded, which she would. Although admitting the truth made her feel like a failure, she had surprised herself with her honestly while staying in Twilight Vale. When she wished she could still switch off her emotions, but she found that she was more open than she would be back home. Even when Desaevio and Slay had come, she had not been completely at ease as she had been with the strangers she met and the members of Twilight Vale.

      “I don’t know if you’ve heard talk about the war between Inferni and Dahlia de Mai, but that’s the real reason I’m here. I refuse to be a part of it, despite the coyote’s attempt to draw me in.” Cercelee smiled feebly. She wore the marks of a battle, but she had only fought back for fear of her life, not out of malice for the clan that waged war on her own pack. “I suppose that makes me a pretty poor leader, but Dahlia seems to be getting on without me. I wonder though, when I return, what they will say.” She let the words hang in the air, offering no more. If Ehno thought her a coward he probably wouldn’t be the first one, but she knew better. She knew why she was here and not there.

Table by Tammi!


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