Rainy Day

Out of character

Honrin was lit up, sparkling as she danced over. It was so rare for these emotions to come out in him. It delighted her to see that. He felt so deeply, Dalgina knew that. Not as well as Pandora, who knew everything. Dalgina couldn't always get close to Honrin, not like her sister could. She could see it in his expressions though. Scooped high into the air Dalgina felt like she just might be flying like the birds she admired, the cloak swirling around and creating a dark sky they traveled through.

Eyes bright she settled down on the ground again, light and ready to take off once more into the dreams that held her captive. In the dim light around them the storm was forgotten. Honrin, cje ronkyha, toi du l'sashcha honrin. Ghio'm toi bel vnir ya? She held out a hand, ready to pull him up. Neither of them was worth more than the other, and she'd rather spend her time with her brother, next to him, than having him bow down before her.

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