Shoot for the Heart

I'm going to say this thread is long before the day before her and Z played with her stuffy <3 Lol

Word Count → 000

He was happy for the orange hued male, he may have said the woman he helped wasn't his girlfriend. Still, Adonia couldn't help but feel he was developing feelings for Terra. She was a charming woman from what she remembered. Sweet and very caring, she deserved a male like Moss. Adonia was sure she'd be alone for sometime, her heart unable to cope with an attachment, but she couldn't deny that the male was and is cute. She almost was curious about what would happen if they kissed, or if they did anything. Adonia was still quite new to the 'love' world. She was a cuddler and a hugger, but when it came to kisses and touches like that Adonia was very shy and nervous.

Her mind snapped back to reality, realizing her thoughts were twisting into odd manners. She was less than a week from being in season and hadn't realized this yet. Her life was going to change in a very dramatic manner soon enough, yet the wolf dog was unaware of the changes her life would take. Her ears folded back shyly and she dipped her muzzle toward the earth, "...well I've been working on a project. I was looking for parts and such..." She almost asked what he was doing here, but that was obvious. He had been hunting. She licked her lips tenderly before glancing kindly up to him, muzzle still pointed downward.

Code by the Mentors; photo courtesy to effika

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