the thin red line


A restless sort of energy consumed him; he'd been anticipating this particular day for many. Now that Sirius lived in Inferni, he found himself scrambling to feed not one, not two, but three mouths. Even more ridiculous was the fact that one of them belonged to an enemy! He'd certainly be glad once this nonsense was over and done with, and even more importantly, he couldn't wait for Talitha to get back home.
His mind raced, ever threatening to jump ahead of him and get carried away, but every so often he'd glance at their captive to keep himself in check. This was no time to lose focus, and there was no reason to assume that everything would go smoothly; things seldom did. If Firefly decided to make a dash for it, he'd have to be on her heels in a flash. Part of him hoped that maybe she'd respect the relatively nice treatment she'd gotten from him during her stay and cooperate so that Talitha's safety wouldn't be jeopardised, but he wasn't going to hold his breath.
Gabriel sent out a call and Anselm glanced around, ears pressed forward, as he waited for someone to show up. Having nothing to say, he kept silent and busied himself with his own thoughts.

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