i once was born to be bad

A voice in his head was laughing at her. Both of them knew he didn't and would never deserve it, but he had been getting a lot of things he didn't deserve lately. Ahren had called him a good person and Melisande had said she loved him and that she didn't care about his past, but neither of them knew the details of all what he had done as well and grotesquely intimately as Phasma did. It hadn't been their son he had taken. He flinched again at her touch and pulled his knees closer to his chest. She was warm; he was cold, and he felt like he was contaminating her just by being there and it was so much worse the closer she got. Why would she touch such a disgusting thing? Because she's a better person than you. Gentle touches for comfort -- when was the last time anyone had done that? The only people that wanted to touch him wanted to kill him. Even Tsunami.

The tawny hybrid with too many scars wanted to tell her otherwise, that she shouldn't forgive him, but he knew it would not sway her. And it didn't matter. He would never forgive himself and that would be that. Did Tsunami rejoin Storm? He had smelt like it, if only just a little. He didn't remember much else about that morning anyway and was sure it hadn't been him there the whole time. He couldn't remember how it had started and how it had ended, only that there had been claws at his throat and the sun in his eyes. A glorious sunset to vanquish the demons of the night, except it had all ended in failure.

Laruku didn't want the grey wolf to be back in Bleeding Souls if only because he got the feeling that he would never be happy here. There was nothing but bad memories and if he had found somewhere more peaceful once, twice now perhaps, then he should go back there, and take Phasma with him if they were happy together like he liked to think they were. Elsewhere, they could have more children that wouldn't die in all the horrible ways they were subjected to in this horrible river valley and he knew Tsunami loved children, no matter what he had said about them in the past. And if he didn't want to keep the promises broken before he left again, then the ragged alpha would welcome another fight, another attempt at slaughtering the demon in his head.


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