A dark canvas and an empty ink well

poopy post... : (

There was a sudden mix of feelings that rushed through Anu. An abrupt and rigid sense of protectiveness shadowed her thoughts; many much like those Saviana was expressing. For a moment Anu wondered why Savina had so many questions. There was a change in her posture, gradually becoming more alive, features growing sharper and less submissive. Before she could start throwing questions at the black female, Anu brought her emotions in check.

This was not her home, and thus owned nothing in it. And despite the feels that she had for Naniko, she had no right to question her relationship with the dark lady, and any other wolf for that matter. While her scrambled brain rearranged itself she fought the urge to shake her head rid of the neurotic thoughts. It was time to focus on the task at hand, give this wolf the answers she sought, and ask a few innocent questions at the same time.

“I was only hoping to visit.” The blue eyed fey gave a small smile, happy to give Savina the truth. “I must have forgotten how far it really was, all the way from Phoenix Valley.” Taking a small breath Anu fought to find the words to express her relationship. “Naniko and I are friends. I didn’t think she would have minded.” Yeah, it was late but Anu wouldn’t have minded if Naniko had crept into her den to chase bad dreams from her slumber.

“I understand of course, the safety of the pack is principal.” By ‘the pack’ she secretly meant Naniko of course. Anu removed herself from the garden, to sit just outside its boundaries. It was wrong to think about a wolf she hadn’t met in such negative way, and in different circumstances she would never judge another before meeting them. With the white female it was very different, Anu as happy to hate him for her.

With the danger that surrounded the friend they shared Anu had no idea what he looked like or who he really was. For all she knew he looked similar to Anu, making Savina’s reaction a more reasonable one and her experience with Naniko… strange. He could have been someone she knew, or had met. Without letting her voice sound to serious, or letting her anger come to the surface she spoke.

“What is his name?”


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