Sketches of Shadows and Light
(Yay! A Hunger Games fan Big Grin I really debated on using it, but I'm fascinated by the song & it's meaning, and it's been stuck in my head lately -- just re-read the series a few weeks ago -- I couldn't think of a better time to use it. Lol, soon I probably would've forgotten my idea to use it anyway xD)

Sonje by Sie!

Though not "common" knowledge, Sonje had absolutely no skill in how to properly accept a compliment. So as it was delivered, embarrassment registered briefly on her face and she shifted slightly on her mare's bare back, glancing away. She thought to smile and thank him, but it was overridden by her aversion to having been caught singing. She only did it when she was absolutely sure she was alone, so it was more than irritating to know she hadn't been so careful this time. In fact, she couldn't quite pinpoint the reason for the uneasy seize in her chest, but it probably had to do with those very blue eyes in that very handsome dark face.

As he rose, Sonje moved again, sitting straighter and retaining an easier degree of confidence. As long as she didn't think about how embarrassed she was, it was easier to be herself. "Sure—she's my friendly half," she said with a light smirk, leaning forward to pat her companion's thick neck. She watched, amused, as the man's cat tried to interact with Jagga, who seemed to have that affect on a lot of creatures. While Sonje sometimes thought herself a little demon-ish, she would never apply the word to her horse, the sweetest, most docile creature she knew. Jagga twitched her large nares, extending her muzzle to share a touch with the feline, large brown eyes switching from Luperci to cat interestedly.

Sonje swung a leg over and dropped down her horse's side, revealing her comparably shorter height. She noticed his necklace then, as she was around eye-level to it, and wondered what creature it had fashioned, not knowing what an otter was. She looked up, observing him for a moment longer, and twitching her pierced ears before crossing her arms and leaning a slender shoulder against Jagga's side. "I'm Sonje, and this is Jagga," she waved her hand with a jingle of her bracelets and smiled slightly. "Who're you two good-lookin' guys?" she asked extending a hand of long, elegant fingers to the cat, offering to let him sniff and hopefully permit a good scratch behind the ears.

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