with trembling eyes

He’d succeeded in scaring the hares out of hiding and chased them in Wraith’s direction. The male fell back after yelling for her; the woman was two steps ahead of him, ready and waiting for her unsuspecting prey. One of the critters was lucky to get away from her while it could. The one she tripped over not so much. It cried in protest as the coyote girl had her way with it. She silenced it with a finalizing clamp down of her jaws. She made a muffled declaration before coming back up the incline to where he was. Hahahaha, whut? He put a paw up to his ear as if he struggled to understand. The Marbas caught what she said, he just felt like playing with her. I couldn’t hear you over that mouthful of hare.

He went back to pick up his prize he’d left behind. With it in his mouth he pranced over to Wraith and dropped it to the ground before getting comfortable. Mido glanced at the woman momentarily. Yay, dig in! Is this really the same girl from earlier? You wouldn’t think so. Somehow she came off as different then before; like he’d pegged her wrong and got a false impression. Chasing little critters with her was exciting and fun. This woman from Inferni was beginning to seem like the kind of gal he could really get along with.


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