the thin red line
Firefly ignored both of her escorts as she moved along. Her mind was afire with a million thoughts distracting her from any want to escape. She'd already been beaten dispite Anselm and his little guardian's attempts to keep her in a liveable condition. She'd lived, that much was obvious, but the child inside seemed to have been poisoned, numb to the truth of what had happened, slowly driven by the boiling hatred that Samuel had planted in her soul along with the seed in her womb.

She stumbled along between the two as she closed her eyes, finally dropping down to her belly as Gabriel called out to Haku to bring his daughter. The normally spirited and devilish girl didn't want to see Haku or anyone else at this moment, she wasn't even sure she wanted to see the light of the next day as slowly but surely the twisted reality of what had been done sank into her mind. The little tramp had learned her lesson before the hybrid had got his hands on her.. now it was just guarantee that the hatred and violence was not over yet.

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