Torn Family, Broken Heart, Fractured Mind
Her movements were slow, hoping that it wouldn't be too cold. Dalgina had no idea how to go about dealing with such things. Calling a medic would probably be the best, but who could she get? She didn't want anyone to see how much pain Papa was in, and was afraid that the others would try to harm him. Dalgina knew that she wasn't strong enough to be able to protect Papa from everything out there. She couldn't stop the nightmares that plagued the world and brought it's terror. All she could do was try and clean what was there, and make sure that she wasn't around when he was struck down.

It was methodical, slowly staining the water as she dabbed. There was so much of it, Dalgina wondering if there was an injury under it all that would become worse when revealed. Half fearful she kept up, hoping that it would get better. It has to get better. There was no quiver in her voice, something that surprised the young wolf. She should have been a lot more shocked by all of this, the one in need of comfort. Instead, she was the one comforting.

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