sometimes goodbye is a second chance

She didn't respond at first, and Nathaniel prepared himself to ask once more, making his voice even harsher and more angry than before. Who did she think she was, to ignore a member of the Clan that she was at the borders of? She had no right to ignore him or to even turn away without answering his questions. But she did answer... after a while, she did answer, stating her name and pack - both of which were very vaguely familiar to Nathaniel, but not as much as her scent was - and then asked if she remembered him.

Perhaps he was wrong.. and they had met once, after all? He did not really recognize her face, or remember really speaking to her. He must have.. did he? Strange memories floated back to him, showing him scenes of a clearing and a town, and a tree with carvings all over it. Memories that had come to him sometimes in dreams, but he had thought that that was all they were. Dreams. Were those dreams something more? Were they not made up by his imagination, but remembered by his subconscious mind?

Her next words, however, were the words that made him froze, made him stop in his tracks and stare at her. For a tiny moment, all anger and ire in his eyes vanished in the shock of her statement. Mother? How could she, someone that he had never laid eyes on before in his life, be his mother? In his shock, he realized that he had stopped breathing, and hastily took a large gulp of air through his nose, drawing in her scent once again.

As he scented her, drank her motherly scent, he wondered for a split second if, perhaps, it was true. How could this strange woman, this 'leader' of some weird pack he did not know, possibly be his mother? It was so wrong, so unusual, so confusing for him, this meeting!

He realized that he hadn't said anything for some minutes now, and he had to fill the void of silence somehow. "I.. No! I don't know you!" he barked, his aggressive nature returning with a vengeance. He took a step towards her, his eyes angry now, angry at this woman who invaded his home and confused him so. His discussion with Vesper came to mind, but he pushed it down - he did not want to deal with these possibilities yet. Not now. "Leave here! You're not my mother!" Even as he said those words, he knew that somehow, some way, he.. was wrong.

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