written on our hearts and souls
"Once there was a pack that's lands were much like ours.. and they were caught trapped between the sea and their enemy.. Many friends were lost then and I don't want to see history repeat itself." Deuce had been part of the pack the matriarch had spoken of. Syemv. She'd been pregnant with Shadow then, Erik had been dead. Deuce lifted her chin, and spoke when Iskata finished.

"We all know Inferni is out for wolf blood. I was part of the pack Iskata spoke of. We were attacked out of the blue. We had pups killed, in cold blood, by their leader, Kaena. Gabriel's mother. Unlike Gabriel, Kaena didn't take hostages. I feel had Syemv had some sort of plan in place, that those pups could have lived, that the pack could have fled, in it's entirety, to safety.

I want us to have some sort of plan in place. I was talking to Asmodai here, when the idea occured to me. There are coves and boat launches up and down the coast. We can hide boats, rafts, something, and have it prepared when the time comes that Inferni turns their gaze on us."
Her voice was steady, certain. Inferni would turn on them. The war with Dahlia would cease to amuse them, and they would strect their paws out as far as they could.

"We can either find boats or canoes in the huma land, or I've been reading on how to make rafts. Each has their pros and cons. We'd like to know what you all think, since this would pertain to all of you learning new skills as well."

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