[MaMa] [p] cierro mis ojos
The next day... 8O tell me if this is okay or

Sparrow was beggining to question the sanity of whoever came up with this idea.

She peered down from her window with bewildered eyes down at the figue. She had moved into the Mansion a couple of weeks ago before, and had taken up space in one of the smaller rooms on the second floor that had a nice view of a flower patch below. But, she wished she never did moved from the caverns. At least this event her mate was performing would have been less public and she would be able to ignore him better. Yes, whatever possessed Kaena to decide that she should be with this man must lacked reasoning whatsoever.

Helotes--she knew it was him for certain, who else in the clan could say, sing, Spanish as smoothly as he could? He was gripping beautiful flowers within his dark hands, and maybe she would have found the offer kind if he wasn't not bleating out words she couldn't understand. Not that he did not sing beautifully. No, he had a wonderful voice, she supposed. But, all this excitement seemed a little unecessary, right? Others must have been hearing this display as well, and that thought made her nervous, and she crouched lower under her windowstill, frozen on the spot but at least she could try to pretend that she left and maybe then he could stop. But, she did not take in account of her ears still peeking out, and for the fact that she could not pretend to have left--that would have been cruel and mean, and she did not have the heart to even pretend.

"P-please stop," she twittered mutely, and she knew that her voice must have been lost in his own, loud one. She looked over the edge of the window once more, ears pressed tightly against her head. "This is n-nice and all, but..." When she spoke loud enough to perhaps be heard, she cringed with anxiety and fell silent again, and could only stare down at the fiery eyes with her wide, broom ones. "I-it's very nice," she said nervously, deciding not to hurt his feelings. She could bear through this, yes. But she did have the hope that he sensed that she willed him to stop.


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