play dead
ooc- sorry.. had to use the line.. XD

DaVinci hardly ever took to the world in the form favored so by the dark lady that was inhabiting the aisles of the store. He'd taken to it out of survival on the seas but here in these backwoods lands he felt more at home being a monster on four legs than almost a man, though both were equally cruel and horrible in his mind. Judgement seemed to fall quicker when he was nothing more than a long limbed strangely hued coyote, but by personal experiences he felt worse on two legs. His arguments were stupid, he knew that but no one else had to know his reasons why.

Today though he'd taken to the form he so dreaded and was walking down the cracked and crumbling sidewalk outside the pharmacy. The sudden movement of the darker creature inside caught his eye as he moved to the doorway and peered inside. He wasn't sure what to think of the dress atire that the woman had chosen to wear but it was amusing to be sure, and it had obviously caught his attention. "Hello nurse.." he called as he leaned back against the doorframe, realizing suddenly that he seemed more the outlaw than ever that little Apollo seemed to demand him be when he was in the dreaded form. He wasn't sure how he felt about that but it didn't matter, the world may never see the steele blue hybrid on two legs ago.

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