shadows and dust
OOC: Good lord I'm slow to catch up. XD Vacations drain me, even if it is in a good way. Wink

Kol nodded as the ghostly female spoke, and took the little pill from her without question, swallowing it with only a little difficulty. She'd never seen anything like it before, but she trusted that Naniko knew what she was doing. Her confidence and no-nonsense mannerism when dealing with the younger girl's injuries gave her faith in her ability. "I understand. Ember and Hybrid...who are they? I can't say that I know anyone around here yet. I feel like a clueless pup all over again." She offered her caretaker a half-hearted smile. In truth, that was exactly what she felt like for the moment: a lost pup, entirely alone in a land full of strangers.

"Thank the way. You didn't have to help, and I'm grateful." The girl winced slightly as another shot of pain ran up her shoulder, and she glanced around the area surrounding the pair. "So...what exactly are we going to use to clean up?"

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