the forgotten one
-excuse the lengthy post-

The near clone of a coyote had set out to explore, his sibling had been recovered from the lands of Inferni and though she wasn't fine she was alive. The dark hued boy wasn't for certain that she'd ever be the same high spirited girl he'd once know. She'd always loved the darker edge of life and he'd always loved her because she didn't let the world stop her from being who she was.. now there seemed a darker sheen in her eyes, dulling the emerald as she seemed to quietly watch the world passing by.

He knew that something had happened to his dark little irish fae but he was unsure of how to approach the child that had once been his shadow. He expected that the girl would come to him when the effects of her captivity had worn off.. but he wasn't for certain how long that could take. Instead of worrying and waiting for her he'd decided to give her packmates the time to assure themselves that their friend had indeed been returned to them and she was whole and alive. He'd faded so quickly into the shadows that they probably already forgot that he'd even existed, which he liked.

His paws had brought him across the lands towards the sea once more, but unlike the bay where Dahlia de Mai claimed their lay over the lands this was the rough and tumble coast that he'd watched as they'd approached from the ocean before he'd been set down in the fire scorn lands that had once been home. The scent of a pack had caught his attention as he'd roamed across their lands, the ever attentive stranger he knew that he shouldn't have begun to snoop but there was no real way he could learn about the packs without showing his face.

DaVinci knew it was all foolish and childish, his reasons for the world not seeing him but he knew they'd never understand as well. There were few who would but they'd probably all been blown to the winds or were camped out in the clan's lands with nothing but blood and hatred pained across their heart and soul. The young man's paws had brought him to the scent of sickness, something he'd grown accustom to over time onboard ship where there was no chance to escape when illness boarded on the open ocean. He'd begun to turn his paws away from what he knew to be a dangerous discovery but something stopped him, something faded and almost forgotten.

Raising his face into slight breeze that was catching along his whiskers he turned along the trail of death and made his way carefully across the lands he knew he shouldn't be treading upon, now for more than one reason. Step by step his dark hued paws brought him closer to the source of the illness and the scent that seemed to baffle his mind. How odd that moons onboard a ship one could tell stories of a short existance to pass time and keep a high spirited child from trouble and yet the same soul forgot the characters that were laced within his own works. He hadn't tried to forget his past, he'd just never embraced it, having left it sit on a shelf to gather dust like an old toy tossed aside, once cherished now tarnished.

His pads had carried him to the shack as his eyes watched for the pack that he knew resided in the woods. No one approached him so he moved to the doorway and worked his way inside. The dull sunlight sparkled on dust motes as he caught sight of the illstricken bodies before him. His eyes were use to seeing death settling in for the long slow goodbye after life on the high seas, but the scent of sickness was one you could never fully get use to.

He moved slowly between the beds, keeping his distance as he examined the forms that were nearly lifeless... the hulls of the living made his heckles raise as he stopped in the center of the room and stood there quietly, the carmel scarred up form before him finally making sense in his mind as he realized the ghost he'd been following was more than nothing, yet still just the shell of a life on the brink. "Laruku.." the deep bass voice of the hybrid called softly, unsure if the form was even capable of response, or if the response he'd be granted would even be coherent.. but the grown up form of the once tiny terror waited, just the raspy drawls of each shallow breath his company.

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